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Mar 23, 2017

Work Work Work

When I think about a song that represents my life, the song "Work" by Rihanna is the only thing that pops into my head. It has been the craziest couple of months of my life! Three people from the company I work for all left within a month of each other...and we are a small company so three people leaving is kind of a big deal! Work has always been busy but with people leaving left and right, it has become a nut house in the office. I often times think "my life can't get any crazier, I can't handle any more on my plate" and then for some crazy reason, God piles more on top and I somehow handle it! That's not to say it's not without breakdowns, I had a pretty bad breakdown about a week ago and I just completely fell apart, I would even go as far as saying it was a minor panic attack. I was sleep deprived, not eating right, not drinking enough water and just not taking care of myself and I really think it was my body's way of telling me that I needed to take a chill pill! And besides all of the work stuff I am dealing with I also have outside relationships and school that I need to focus on, the balance is extremely hard. At the end of the day though, I am grateful for my job and all the support I get from my coworkers, friends and family, and I am thankful for God's grace and him giving me the capability to handle anything that comes my way. 

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