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Jul 12, 2017


I'm going on my 7th week with some CRAZY motivation! I don't know how that fire got lit under my butt, but it did and I am feeling great about it. For me, my motivation has to do with my health, I am trying to make myself a priority and I am realizing that I need to be healthy in order to be my best self for other people. It's all cliche...I know...but it's also very very true! All of these crazy "fit" people and social media fitness gurus are on to something, and even though their Instagram posts, showing off their rock hard abs and muscles can get super overwhelming and I'm just going to say it...annoying, they really know what they are doing (for the most part).
I have a crazy fitness journey ahead of me and I am no where near my goal at all but I am pretty happy that I am at least on my way and seeing results is only motivating me more. I know it's pretty early into the journey so losing weight and seeing my body change is going to happen at a quicker pace than it might down the road, I am sure I will hit road blocks and I might even slip and have a fry or two but my goal is to just keep going.
On top of trying to lose weight and be my best self I have not been to the doctor's since I was in high school (four years ago) and I have not been to the dentist in about two years (I know...ewww) because I have major anxiety about both (that's for another blog post) but I have finally decided suck it up and go because not only do I want to look better and feel better physically but I want to feel better on the inside as well and that starts with doctors!
It's all small steps and I am working on my all around self. I want to be fitter, happier and healthier!

One of the best pieces of advice that actually works as a key to success in life and in business has to be having the right mindset, do you agree? No matter what is happening for you today, I hope these quotes bring you a little joy. Please share your favourites and let me know in …

Wish me luck! ;)

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