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Sep 1, 2016

First Blog Post!

Here I go! I am going to keep this one short and sweet because I am currently writing this on my lunch break at work, but I wanted this first post to be about my goals as a "blogger". My main goal is to essentially journal about my life. I have been absolutely terrible about journaling throughout my life, I would start and then stop because let's face get's crazy! But I am at a point in my life where I really feel like I need to start putting pen to paper or in this case, fingers to keys, and document some of my favorite moments thus far. I am young and I have a long journey called life ahead of me, but why not "stop and smell the roses", life is too short and too sweet not to remember the good stuff, and maybe some of the not so good stuff along the way. As I mention in the about me post, I also have a lot of hobbies, and I hope to share some of those hobbies on this blog. So happy 1st blog day! Let's hope I can keep this thing updated. Wish me luck! 


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