Week 8 Bumpdate
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Well I am officially in my 8th week of being pregnant (according to the calculator online) and I feel pretty good actually! Tanner and found out when I around 5 1/2 weeks pregnant and I haven't quite figured out how I want to document this journey, but I figured blogging about it is a fun way to get all of my scattered thoughts down. We still have yet to tell our parents and family members, and we are planning to wait to tell them until after my first doctors appointment which is next week. We are so incredibly nervous because of the whole not being married thing and not living together already thing, basically we have SO much to figure out in these next 6 months. On the other hand though we are just desperate to tell everyone for a few reasons, for one, we just want to get it over with, to get the "family discussions" over with so everyone can move forward with us in this next chapter of our lives. Two, it's actually been harder than we thought with the whole not being able to drink because we get invited to go out and I am expected to get a drink at dinner or drink by the pool but I can't. Just this past weekend we took my cousin out from New Jersey to go drinking in Downtown Redlands and I had to pretend to use the restroom while Tanner distracted her from looking towards the bar while I told the bartender to hold the vodka on the vodka and sprite because I'm expecting. The waitress was super sweet about it and it was also kind of an exciting moment because she was the very first person I've told besides Tanner since finding out we're expecting. The third reason is because Tanner and I are actually getting pretty excited about it and we want to be able to talk about it freely and start to feel like we aren't complete failures.
As far as health goes, I feel like I am doing great because I don't have a bit of morning sickness and to me that is a HUGE win! I am totally and completely exhausted 24/7 though, I mean I can hardly keep my eyes open through the Bachelor on Monday nights, Tanner usually has to fill me in on who got booted off because I just can't make it. I have also experienced my first bit of heartburn which is weird but I'm dealing with it. The whole bathroom situation...well without getting too "graphic" I've been needing to pee way more and I definitely feel this weird pressure after I pee like I have to pee more but nothing comes out. I've also been having a little bit of trouble going "potty" which I've read is pretty normal or to be expected, I've just been trying to eat more fibrous foods and it's been helping enough. oh and my biggest health or body change is my boobs!!!! The soreness is so real and they are looking quite robust lately which I know that means bigger boobs are here to stay. As far as mental health goes, I am doing okay, my moods were pretty crazy in the beginning and I would get upset over basically nothing but the mood swings are subsiding a little now and Tanner is over the moon about it!
Our little one is growing everyday and I am so anxious to get to the doctor's to make sure everything is okay, Tanner has been the best, most doting father to be already and we are still in the very early stages so I have a lot of hope for the next several months. The things I'm most excited for next are finding out the gender and starting to buy some super cute baby clothes. The thing I'm not looking forward to, gaining weight, but I know it's for my tiny human so I'm willing to sacrifice my figure for him or her.