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Jan 10, 2018

Month Two

Month Two
Jan 10, 2018
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P.S. This relationship is "big" meaning I realize I am going to be with this person for a long time, he might even be "my person" but I have been in two other pretty "big" relationships, one in high school and then one that ended not too long ago after 2 years. I've also dated a few guys in between those on a much more casual level but I have never spent a holiday with one of them! No Christmas's, no Thanksgiving's, no holidays...EVER! This Christmas Eve was the first time I have ever spent a holiday with a boyfriend's family and it was so much fun! I got to experience someone else's traditions and I feel like the fact that I WANTED to spend it with him and his family is something to be said about how I feel completely different about this guy. I am afraid to say too much yet because I don't want to jinx anything but I really feel like this could be it. I even surprised myself when I agreed to spend the holiday with him, the old me would say "sorry bud, you can spend it with your family and I'll spend it with mine". I think I'm in love...actually I KNOW I'm in love!
Jan 1, 2018

See Yaaa 2017!

See Yaaa 2017!
Jan 1, 2018
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Hands down this has been one of the weirdest years I've had in a long time. The year started out crazy with my ex boyfriend moving 5 minutes away from me (we were a commuter couple before he moved). That was such a whirlwind because I am a pretty independent person and having someone that I had been dating for a year and would only see on the weekends suddenly become a part of my everyday life was a huge adjustment. Anyone that knows me, knows that I LOVE LOVE LOVE birthday's and this past year's birthday was a blur, I don't even know what I did to be honest. The summer went by so fast, I don't think I went to the beach once...and I live in Southern California!! Before I knew it, I was having relationship problems, I realized I needed to make a change in my health so I started eating right and exercising and my life changed drastically in that way but I realized that my relationships were not right and I needed to change some things. Before I could even blink I was on my most favorite family vacation ever, spending the week at Twin Lakes with my family was just what I needed for clarity and peace of mind. I got home from that trip, became single...then not single again because I started a new relationship with a very very unexpected person. Halloween rolled around which ended up being a super fun time of the year for me, I went to San Diego with some friends and did my annual trick or treating with my sisters. Thanksgiving was a blimp in time and Christmas came around before I could take my next breath!
Now I am sitting here at my desk at work because my department has to work the week between Christmas and New Year's (yup...only my department, the rest of the company has off for the holiday...just my luck) and I am just reflecting on the year I've had, the changes I wanted to make and made, the things that came out of nowhere and some resolutions I still need to roll over from 2017 to 2018.

Let's see what 2018 has to offer!!!

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