Stressing Out (Post Holiday Stress Disorder...PHSD)
Jan 17, 2017
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I can't exact sentiments towards January. I am pretty sure January is the worst month out of all the twelve months. Once the holiday's are over, it's back to reality for another 10 months and it's also a new year which means there are a lot of resolutions floating around and it can be stressful. The 2016 holiday season was probably the craziest one yet for me, I don't know if it's because I am getting older or because time literally goes faster from October-December (I think that's the reason). Because of the craziness that the 2016 holiday season brought, I feel more stressed than ever! I have so many goals for myself this year because I can tell that 2017 is going to be my year to be my best self yet, but I have to be honest...I am already struggling with most of my resolutions (insert sad face emoji). And with all of that being said there are some pretty big changes happening in my life...well more like Fabian's life but they are definitely going to take some adjusting to. But that's for another blog post when I have fully wrapped my mind around it!
I am going to put an end to my PHSD today! I mean co'mon, it's the middle of January already! My birthday is in a couple of weeks and I have so much fun stuff planned this year already :) Time to get out of my funk, put on my pink Vans, get some Starbucks, walk around Target and tackle my goals...all in that order!